Prostate cancer, hole in liver and tumor in colon – gone in 18 months! It has been over 20 years now and Paul is totally cancer free and doing great.
I have heard many stories of ‘healing reaction’ a term used by the good people at the Gerson Institute. A person who has cancer and choses to heal the body from the inside-out with nutrition and detoxing methods goes through these healing reactions… the bodies way of healing itself.
It is only after you hear many personal stories such as Paul’s, does one start to understand and even believe that this is/could even be possible. Paul’s testimonial of him getting worse before he got better is one very good example. This testimonial was taken at a Gerson Caregiver workshop. For more information
“I see in Dr. Gerson one of the most eminent geniuses
in the history of medicine”
– Albert Schweitzer M.D. (Nobel Prize Laureate & former Gerson patient)